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Turnkey Project

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Turnkey project for supply, Installation, Testing and Commisioning (SITC) of Digital Video Uplinking (DTH) for Prasar Bharati, Doordarshan
    SITC of up-gradation of Ku-band DTH platform for improvement of bandwidth for DDK
    Supply of HF Antenna and associated sub-system
    SITC of 3 Nos. of 11.3 Mtr multiband antenna System and associated sub-system.
    Turnkey project for supply , Installation , Testing and Commisioning of Seismological stations for THDC , India ( Tehri Hydro )
    Supply of 14 numbers of 10 kw Liquid Cool TV Transmitter for Doordarshan DDK
    Turnkey project for setting up of 6.3 Mtr. Earth Station for Digital Video uplink for Space Application Centre, Ahmedabad
    SITC of 10+1 Digital Earth Station for DDK
    Turnkey project for supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 6.3 meters Earth Station for Receiving VHRR & CCD data for IMD, New Delhi

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Antimony Solder Wire, Bulb Solder Wire, Cable Solder Wire, Cadimum Solder Wire, Ceramic Powders From Arraycom, Corrosion Resistance Solutions From Arraycom, Earth Station, Electronic Solder Wire, Hybrid Powders From Arraycom, Iaf Dmdd Indoor Unit, Iaf Dmdd Outdoor Unit, Lead Free Solder, Lead Free Solder Wire, Lead Solder Wire, Monitoring Software, Panel Antennas, Products, Radiators Solder Wire, Rohs Compliance Solder, Silver Solder, Silver Solder Wire, Solar Power Division (Spd), Solder Alloys, Solder Anodes, Solder Foil, Solder Ignot, Solder Paste, Solder Stick, Solder Sticks, Solder Wire, Soldering Materials, Thick Film Material From Arraycom, Tin Solder Wire, Turnkey Project